Who we are?

Your way to Software Development & web application

Your way to Software Developement & Social Media Marketing LiveSocialize Technologies is a professional software, Software development company based in Noida that endeavor on highly proficient, timely delivered and cost effective software, website development services. We are highly experienced in offering offshore software development and project management. Some of our services include Strategic Technology Consulting, System Integration & Software Development, Software Testing , Database Management Services.
A platform which promotes you, your brand, your objects, your events, your motions, your business, your activities and your ideas in real time on social networking websites like Facebook, Twitter, Google+, Instagram, Pinterest etc... We can share and promote everything you never thought before, in live time to social media.

What we do

What we do

Latest examples of our work are:

1)New Year Mask Evening    4)IHG FINESTA 2015
2)Symbiosis University SYMFIESTA 2015    5)Gems Club Rainbow Fun
3)Agrawal Club Holi Dhamal
    6)Mait College IP University (Cultural fest)
7)Wedding Event

Our Products are:


A photobooth that automatically captures the live moments of event guests and instantly share their photos and videos to their social walls using the magic wristbands. Guest just need to touch their band on the terminal and our selfia automatically captures his photo in 5 seconds and get shared to his wall.


A videobooth that automatically captures the videos of plays, performances, dramas, games etc and share them on Facebook page of event automatically in real time.


Event guest can share their experiences, thoughts, feelings and statuses about the current event to their social walls instantly by inputting their messages at terminals and touching their magic wristbands to share on their walls.


Event guest uses their magic wristbands to like the real objects and the same get shared to his wall. For e.g. the real objects can include teams performances, food stalls, products showcase like CAR, BIKE, MOBILE PHONE etc. The important thing is that the same objects also get liked on Facebook as well.


The live feeds of moments captured by selfia instantly get displayed on LED screen placed in the event. The captured photos flashes on the LED screen with their social messages in real time. It will also show the guest's status updates dynamically. CLICK HERE to see real example of FEED-WALL (Symbiosis University)


The selfies or photos with maximum number of likes will get dislpayed on LIKE WINNER SCREEN. CLICK HERE to see real example of LIKE-WINNER-WALL (Symbiosis University)

View Videos

some moments of past events




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